Hey, You’re Doing it Wrong


August 19, 2010

As my kids head back to school today to begin their first day of 1st grade, I’m reminded of that great scene from Mr. Mom.  You know, the one where Michael Keaton has to drop his kids off at school and he does it all wrong. He’s driving up the wrong side of the school drive and someone says, “Hi Jack.  You’re doing it wrong.”  Fast forward to later in the movie as Jack really embraces being Mr. Mom and now he’s not only NOT doing it wrong, he’s the guy out there directing the traffic as some new parents there are doing it wrong.

As I sat through orientation to send my kids to 1st grade, I heard a ton of reminders of how things are done.  Some make sense, some don’t, but the point was…..hey parents, we’ve been doing this a LONG time this way and if you don’t do it our way, you’re doing it wrong.  That’s cool.  I get it.  After all, not worth an argument over when a kid can step off the curb or that the school wants them to sell a bunch of junk to raise money for the PTO.  What bothered me is that so often in daily life, we’re told we’re doing it wrong.  What ever happened to learn about ways to communicate that are positive and that encourage people to be creative and innovative.  Maybe there is a better way.  Maybe.

I had a conversation with another HR blogger yesterday.  We talked in general about how people seem to fall into this online community in a myriad of ways.  I love that there isn’t a “right way” or a “wrong way” to do it.  It’s pretty simple:

  • If you want to have a blog- Set up a site and write. Period.
  • If you want to speak at a conference– Know your stuff, connect with conference organizers, volunteer.
  • If you want to network and make friends online– Be real, genuine, sincere, authentic.  All the things that people gravitate to.

And, if you don’t like those ideas, you know what?  I won’t stop you and say You’re Doing It Wrong.


  • Thank you for saying something that’s been bothering me for a while now. I am SO SICK of redundant, navel-gazing HR & recruiting blog posts telling me everything I’m doing wrong. The way I see it, if I was doing everything wrong, the very successful business that I support would fire my ass. I’m doing it right.

  • Yep.

    Sometimes doing it “wrong” ends up making you very successful. If I had done my life “right”, I would not be the person I am.

  • Thanks for being so candid and dead on !! We’re missing the facet in our lives to surround ourselves with “humans.” People that move forward, stumble back, goof up and then come upon something brilliant !!

    Your reminder was needed today. Appreciate you and what you always offer – a genuine perspective.

  • Love the post! Thanks Trish, and thanks for what you do. You have helped a great many people and are an inspiration for all new bloggers like me. Cheers and keep on being you.

  • Hey, that HR blogger could have been me – what I am realizing is exactly what wrote – there isn’t a right or wrong way to do this stuff. And no one human being can do it all – why would someone want to anyway? There’s opportunity, choice and above all, an unbelievable support network of friends and colleagues.

  • With Social Media if someone is telling you that you are doing it wrong and you don’t agree you can:

    -Stop reading their blog
    -Stop following them on Twitter
    -Delete the Facebook friend

    Done. Move along now, nothing to see here anymore. I feel better now. How about you? 🙂

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About Trish

A former HR executive and HCM product leader with over 20 years of experience.


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